Our Journey Begins...
My name is Andrew DiLullo. Among my many roles is that of author, and Act 1 of my writing journey has been exciting. I've scrawled my fair share of prose, poetry and short stories, and recently did a stint of editorial journalism. My position at the Cogswell Chronicle was largely unshackled; I could mostly write about whatever I wanted, and I can't really imagine finding another group outlet with that same degree of freedom.
Having set out with the mission of providing the school paper with early content to fill the initial void, I consider my efforts successful. However, I eventually found troubles, both internal and external, and eventually these issues led me to a crossroads. You reading this indicates which tooth of the fork I chose. I've spent the better part of till now developing a style and a foundation, but I've also largely written for the sake of other people or various events. No complaints, but I really feel a need to try something a bit more independent, hence the new site.
So obviously the best way to celebrate new beginnings is to literally do the exact same stuff I've been doing for the last year or so: reviews, articles, think-pieces and some storytelling. Still the devil's in the details, and I've come to bargain.
This will be the first time I really venture out both on my own, and into uncharted waters. I've always had the advantage of easy access peer review and open mic nights, or a wide platform in the case of the Chronicle. Out here, the best I have is a little help from my friends. You.
Everything I post on this site will be of my own will, and ultimately as a reader you owe me nothing. Still, I wouldn't refuse the occasional favor, so if you read something you really enjoy and think others might as well, maybe share a link or three with your friends and family.
In any case, Act 2 of my writing journey begins now, and I can't wait to watch it grow. The Lighthouse Library is now open.